My Youtube Playlist

22 November 2009

Wiley - Take That

Wiley Back With A Banger To Let All Of You Know He's Not Falling Off!

I Love It ! True Grime Veteran!

16 November 2009

Nathan Adams - Holding On

Nathan Adams, is an up and coming musician who has been in the underground spectrum for a while. Like so many great singers across the world, past and present, Nathan was nurtured musically and vocally in the heart of the church, At the tender age of only 20 he still continues to conjure up tunes for our listening pleasure. Here’s a quick snip to show you just who he is and what he’s been up to.


How Did You Start And How Long Have You Been An Artist For?

I started off in church, like so many other artists… I was in several choirs, and played piano for the church. I made my first song for my 1st love... I recorded it on a keyboard and ghettoblaster and made her a tape… She still has it somewhere.
I started dreaming about doing music commercially when I turned 11, started producing, made a group, all of that. I’ve been doing it for 10 years now.

What Do You Hope To Achieve As An Artists?

As an artist, I don’t want to be restricted to any one genre. I want to be someone who is known for the quality of my music. So whether I do RnB, Jazz, House, whatever, people still know its good music. I hope to achieve musical longevity rather than a flash in the pan career, and basically to make timeless music.
I have no dreams of dominating the world, or being the best. I do it STRICTLY for the love of it.


If You Wasn’t A Musician, What Would You Be And Why?

I would like to teach or look after kids, do some form of childcare.
I love kids.

What Has Been The Most Embarrassing Musical Experience?

Trying to hit the same high note TWICE, and my voice cracking each time at church one time. The church was full of people. It was a long walk back to my seat, trust me.


Tell The Truth, Do You Freely Download Music Or Do You Rummage Through Your Wallet To Purchase It?

I wont lie, I have done both. Truth be told, I even downloaded my OWN song at one point (DON’T TELL NO ONE!) LOL

What Have Is Yet To Come For Your Listeners?

Great music! No more, no less

Stay Tuned To For More Of Nathan!

5 November 2009

Dazzle - The Road To Stardom

Dazzle Is An Up And Coming Musician From Hackney, North London Who Has Been Working On The Backdrop Of The Underground Music Scene For A Number Of Years. He Has Previously Released Two Promotional CD’S Under The Titles Of ‘The Prodigy’ And ‘Stardust’ And He Is Currently In The Process Of Forming His Forthcoming Mixtape ‘Road To Stardom’. Here Is A Brief Interview With Dazzle, I Thought I’d Catch Up With Him To See What He’s Got In Store For Us Listeners.


So Dazzle, What Does Music Mean To You?

Music, Well there isn't one exact definition of music. However to me music is communication and a form of art. Music is a creative method by which one can get his/her voice heard, and spread an opinion through to thousands. I personally believe that music is an expression of feelings were lyrics are recorded over a beat.

How Much Of An Impact Has The Music You Grew Up With Had On Your Own Style As A Musician?

I personally grew up around a lot of gospel music. My mum, being a very religious woman, used to enjoy blasting her gospel CDs throughout the house on Sunday afternoons. LOL. Gospel tends to be quite a reflective type of genre, it tends to be quite considerate and reflects meaning. My music, therefore, represents ME. I make music that I myself and other people can relate to.


What Do You Focus On When Making Music?

When I record my music, I focus mainly on how I come across to listeners. I like my music to feel realistic therefore I attempt to put myself in the situation I'm MC'ing about every time I hit the booth. I also always attempt to make my music either meaningful or relatable.

What Artists Do You Looking Up To and Why?

I wouldn't say that there are specific artists I look up to, I just prefer GOOD artists, as I feel that you can't have a particular artists who is the 'best', all that really matters is how much you appeal to people. You can have the best rhymes in the hood, but if you don't have any commercial appeal…well you ain't going no where. LOL.
However if you asked me who my favourite artist was… I would have to say… Kano. His unique style and humility was mainly what got me into music in the 1st place.


Other Than Music, Can You Think Of Another Way Of Communicating Your Experiences or Ideas?

Other than music...Hmmmm Well...
Other ways I can think of communicating my experiences/ideas would be through…well...words. This is because…music… when you think about it, is nothing more than poetry on a beat, with a little bit of flow added to the mixture. If not through music, I like to express myself through writing... English has always been one of my favourite and preferred subjects at school, up to this day.

What Can We Expect From You As An Artist?

To be true… A LOT.
However, I've felt the need to say this for quite a while now. There are FAR too many artists who when interviewed always claim to have 'a lot in the pipeline' but nothing ever actually comes out of the other end. All I'm going to say for now is… a LOT. I personally feel with whatever you do in life there is a necessity to put in a 100% and to also do it to the best of your ability. Otherwise you might as well not have attempted it in the 1st place. I'm a very motivated individual and do what I do for the genuine love of it.

Lock On To For More Of Dazzle!

3 November 2009

Sk-D Photography

Sk-D Is An Up An Coming Photographer From Northwest London, He Has Been In The Media Industry, Specifically Photography Scene For Just Over Three Years, His Expanding Clientelle Consists Of Familar Names Such As Gracious K, Adam Deacon and Dotstar.

Read On Whilst I Catch Up With Sk-D To See What He’s Been Working On And How He Got Involved...


So, What Do You Do And How Did You Initially Get Involved?

I'm a graphic designer/airbrush artist + a photographer. I started years ago I’ve always been a fan of the arts, always drawing or scribbling. I started photography when I chose it as a random subject it was all to do with creativeness and I had Four A Level options, so, it was one of the subjects I picked along side media and art.

How Would You Say You Where Different From Other Photographers?

I try to see what I want before I even obtained it and that will go through my mind until I’ve got a clear picture in my head. I’m always changing until I’ve grasp what I’m trying to achieve. I'm a very precise person so it its not good to me (even though others are jumping up and down because it looks good) I will still scrap it and start again!


Apart From Photographer Where Do You Other Interest Lie In Terms Of Media?

Graphics, art and airbrushing garments/canvases.....more the graphics though these thing are what got me my reputation way before I started photography


If There Was No Internet, How Would You Promote Your Talent?

You will probably find me in Oxford Circus with a big poster of my best piece of work on a wooden board shouting out:

'SK-D PHOTOGRAPHY, come get your pictures done'!


Straight. I’m sure there's no law against that.

With The Evolution Of Technology, Do You Think It’s Harder For You To Be Original, And Why?

Yeah definitely. I cant be a pioneer at my own styles AS MUCH before these softwares give everyone the same power to create almost the same thing, plus its a thing where because everything is much quicker and easier these days in terms of technology you have to keep your game up always creating something or producing new work because if you don't some else will and take your shine!


Which Clients Have You Worked With And Who Have You Got In Mind For The Future?

I've worked with quite a few more in the ‘Urban Scene’ though.....I’ve worked for couple of premiership footballer (which went on sky sports news), Gracious nappaman K - Migraine skank, Tribal Man, Jazzie from the Jazzie show (channel aka), Adam deacon – Kidulthood, Adulthood and E4's 'Dead Set', Dotstar - Stick Up Skank, Femi McCool - Wag1 t.v and a few others.


If I really had to say who wanted to work with we will be here all day but it most probably would be mostly everyone doing something big in U.K first, then a few U.S stars

If You Would Like To Contact SK-D For Further Information Log On To His Virtual Site :

Send An Email Via :
Or Even Add Him To Your Myspace : ‘Damilola Sk-d Fotografía’

Watch Out For Sk-D!

2 November 2009

Does It Now - Ghetto

Ghetto’s Back On The Blocks With A New Hood Video!

Still Awaiting ‘Calm Before The Storm’ Mixtape!
Keep Your Eyes Peeled!