After opening for the likes of Tinie Tempah, Kyla, Ms Dynamite as well performing at The Bigchill, Hackney Carnival and Lovebox he has continued to excel along his musical journey which he hopes will take him 'All Around The World'. Bamboss is a 21 year-old musician from East London who has recently released his second music video 'Wagwan' from his debut EP 'The Revolution'.
I thought i'd catch up with him to find out how he got into music, as well as what he has in store for us this year.
What is your stage name and what does it mean?
My stage name is Bamboss which is basically my nickname. Everyone’s called me that since secondary school. I didn't like it at first, but then it just stuck. There's no particular meaning. My real name is Adebambo which is a bit of a mouthful LOL. People would call me Bambo for short but in school the two s's were added. My teacher back then went on holiday to Greece and he said everyone down there had a name ending with 'Oss' so every time he called my name - which was at the top of the register - he would say 'Bumbus Arelius Abumbus' LOL. That's me trying to spell it, but yeah, that's what he would say. Then from that Bamboss came about.
How and why did you get into music?
In school I had a friend who was sick at MCing so as a joke I clashed him and he demolished me so I thought I should write a couple 16's and done his dance. From there I was writing 16's and partly participating in showcasing bars to the mandem in school. When I got to year 11 I made a ‘Diss Track’ about some guys I had a problem with, this eventually circulated around schools in Hackney which allowed me to made a name for myself and just took it from there. Since then, I’ve been banging out studio learning how to do songs. There was a period I stopped making music, but then found my way to ‘Rising Tide’ where I progressed more. From there I learnt to master my style and learnt to produce.
What music labels you would like to sign to and why?
So far the only label that looks interesting to me is ‘All Around The World’ label which N-Dubz and Skepta are signed to, they are doing things. Creative control is giving to the artists, videos are not cheap looking. Overall it’s a good look. I would sign to them any day.
Could you briefly describe your music-making process?
If it's me producing it, I would make a template beat, write a verse, keep repeating that verse then finish the song. The beat will remain the same until I finish recording the song. After it is recorded I export an acapella then edit the beat around the song to make it special and unique. If it is by another producer and the beat is already made I'll keep playing the beat then chat a whole load of nonsense until something makes sense then I go with it. If I'm with the producer making the track - which is how it’s been I have been lately - we would start everything from scratch. I'd hum out a melody think of a drum pattern then while the producer is messing around with sounds I would just write whatever comes to mind even if it's stupid then go along with it. That way it's more enjoyable and real instead of having rules, pausing and all that malarkey. After all that is done it always surprises me every time I hear the tune because it's not remembered until I play the tune back to myself.
Where is the best place your music has taken you?
It has taken me to underground radio stations such as Deja Vu, Flames Radio. I’ve done opening performances for Tinie Tempah, Kyla, Ms Dynamite, Scorcher, Akala, DJ Ironik, Bashy and Kele Le Roc. I’ve performed alongside Mz Bratt, Griminal, Fundamental, Aggro Santos, R.D etc. I’ve also Performed at LoveBox, Big Chill, Hackney Carnival, Waltham Forest Carnival, Barbican and so forth. I've made a lot of connections just through these performances alone and this was all just in one year. Imagine the other years down the line.
What sacrifices have you made to pursue your career?
I've cut a lot of unserious people out of my circle. I’ve only made time only for important people and important things in my life.
What mediums to you used to promote yourself as an artists and how effective have they been for you?
I've been using Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Radio, Shows, Word of Mouth, Blog/websites as well as using my songs as ring tones on my phone, so far it's been alright. Now the next step is television and daytime radio. I've got the music to achieve that. I’ve got a plan., it’s just putting it all go into motion now. Giggidy LOL
How important is it for you as an artist to buy music and what was the last album you bought?
I generally think if the music is good then buy it. No harm in it. I bought Skepta's album because I like his music. I hope if people like my music they would buy it as well.
What can we expect from you in 2011?
I’ve just opened up a new Youtube account which is strictly music videos from me. I’ve also recently dropped my second video called 'Wagwan' coming off 'The Revolution EP' produced by me. I’m going to be banging out more video's and I’ll definitely be on TV music channels. Bigger and better shows then hopefully an official single by the end of this year or next but we'll see how things go this year.
For more of Bamboss, you can check out his music videos such as Introduction (Let's Jive) and Wagwan via Youtube, or you can download his debut EP, The Revolution. Furthermore you can also contact him personally via his Facebook and Twitter pages.
8 February 2011
Bamboss - The Revolution EP
Posted by Rianna Raymond-Williams on 23:35. Aggro,Akala,Bamboss,Bashy,Big Chill,Deja Vu FM,Flames Radio,Griminal,Hackney Carnival,Introduction,Kele Le Roc,Kyla,LoveBox,Ms Dynamite,Mz Bratt,Reedot,The Revolution EP,Tinie Tempah,Wagwan - 1 comment
Heard couple tunes of this brudda....he is 1 to watch for 2011 (no homo) he is gonna b BIG....keep it up brudda!
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