My Youtube Playlist

22 October 2009

The Future Is Blackberry !

It seems like everyone’s jumped on the bandwagon of the new high-tech hype of the Black Berry Handset. From the old Berry’s to the new berry’s everyone’s getting involved, but exactly what is the big fascination?

Curve...Bold...Storm...? The ability to access Facebook, Emails, Twitter and more is only a fraction of the handset’s know-how, despite the fact you can keep in contact whenever, wherever for free. The nations in a frenzy, initially when the first model of the Black Berry came out they were only found in the palms of prosperous business men in suits but now Uni Students, College Kids and the general public alike seem to be holding the same hand held.


During these hard times you would have thought people would be holding on to there money for longer instead of splashing out to buy a ‘BlackBerry’. Over the last couple of months there has definitely been and increase in sales, so there’s no doubt that manufacturer’s such as Microsoft and Nokia have had to step up there game for the hottest gadget of 2009.

Mc Maxwell D- the former garage MC - even created his very own tune for the craze ‘Black Berry Hype’. Almost everyone you now nowadays has a BB, so if you haven’t you better get involved. The new smart phone is bound to embrace the new form of communication, expanding the phenomenon which is the cyber world.

What is yet to come?


I would say...
Don't jump on the bandwagon..
Walk to the next stop..
You might catch something better :)

I don't like to conform :P

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