My Youtube Playlist

18 February 2012

Marvin Live - Pre-Season and Live Show

Music means the world to me and I hope I'll be able to continue making it for many years to come’ says Marvin Live who originally entered the music scene in 2003 making Grime music under the alias Be Marvel, alongside musicians such as DDark, Skips, Spyro, Kills K and Beastie. After taking a well-deserved break from music, developing and expanding his craft, Marvin returned to the scene in January 2011 to pursue his music career.

I thought I’d catch up with him to find out his thoughts on the current scene, sacrifices and future plans.

‘I’m a rapper and song writer. I'd say it’s hard to distinguish my audience as I make music for a variety of genres – acoustic, hip-hop, dub step and electro. But, I feel I appeal to my listeners through simple concourse line and a very enthusiastic flow.

‘The scene has changed dramatically since 2005. Artist have more of a brand like approach, image plays a huge role and the internet is a big platform which allows artists - like myself - to gain fans, without any artificial promotion.Personally, this hasn't made any sorts of changes in an artistic stand point, but definitely made an impact on my promoting and marketing approach to the industry.'

He decided to make the transition between music as a career in comparison to being a hobby in ‘March 2011’,he continues.

‘The love I possess for music is huge, and to be giving the ability to speak your mind and views on music is an amazing feeling, especially when it's appreciated in the right way.

'Music means the world to me and I hope I'll be able to continue making it for many years to come.'

‘My biggest sacrifice has been time. I rarely
see my friends and family due to studio, meetings, videos etc. Making steps closer to my dream, no matter how big the steps are, is always worthwhile. So far I would say The Roundhouse EMI showcase is the best place I’ve performed. I was given a huge opportunity to perform alongside great up and coming acts.

I've worked with a number of artists since I've been back. Treble clef, Mr Lonely, Trun, Ddark, Terra, Smokie Badbrey, Elshay, Bex the list goes on, but I‘m also good friends with most of them. I know it's a little farfetched but I've always wanted to work with Adele, Estelle, and Lana Del Rey.

‘I have two mix-tapes already finished called Pre-Season and Live show’, he says when asked what we can expect from him in 2012, he

‘I'm currently working on another one called Staged, but I would say just expect me to flood the industry dramatically. “It’s going to be a LIVE year "

You can now follow him via Twitter, add him on Facebook as well as watch all his latest music videos via Youtube.


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